[Deah/阿优] Self-Discovery (SeDi) Final Report

My Original September.

Been feeling relieved gradually, but not as much of a surprise. Certain things still lags around. Hmm. But it doesn't harm that much.
  1. Damage reduction and path-smoothing process. - 70%
  2. Development and advancement. - 60%
  3. Fresh and peaceful. - 90%
  4. Joy and God. - 90%
  5. Orderly. - 30%
  6. Fire-lilied. - 50%

Been acting a lot milder and has been easily influenced.
Been feeling busy and empty. Been keeping quiet to myself but it doesn't help anymore.
Am not comfortable with this situation. Seriously.

Some discovery?

I have been losing my identity. Little by little.
The causes? Various and drastic happenings before and after.

I finally admit my sickness.
No blaming, nor looking back.
I finally admitted it.

If only I were myself again.
I hope you know the me, my love.

I just need to recover.